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Due to the multiplication of projects in the village of Puerto Miguel, it was decided to send an annual team of 7 members whose role will be to perpetuate the projects already implemented, to evaluate their impact and to supervise the development of new projects.

The impact assessment of the projects will allow not only the measurement of AKUU's socio-economic and environmental impacts, but also a control of the image conveyed by the association.

In parallel, this team will provide English lessons in the community house and other projects in collaboration with the locals.

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Most of the annual team's missions will take place in the village of Puerto Miguel with the evaluation and monitoring of projects already completed and in progress, the management of daily English classes but also the empowerment of the community house.

The objective is to achieve autonomy in the functioning of the house with the creation of tools centralizing all the resources necessary for the implementation of projects and accessible to the premises, but also the achievement of food autonomy. This will involve the creation of a vegetable garden based on the principles of biomimicry and permaculture in order to reduce the consumption of imported products in the village.

In order for the inhabitants to take more ownership of the community house, a participatory library will be set up, starting with books in English and Spanish.


Another mission of the annual team will take place in Bagazan, a village of 10,000 inhabitants about 6 hours by boat from Puerto Miguel.

For more than a year now, some young people from this village have been travelling regularly between the two villages to attend English classes.

Recently, the inhabitants of Bagazan have asked to set up a similar project in their village. In order to assess upstream whether AKUU's action can be beneficial, an impact assessment will be carried out on site by the annual team.

You want to know more ?

Download the project presentation document!

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